Our stories

told by the people of St. Charles

100 years. 100 stories.

The story of St. Charles began in 1918 when the first hospital in Bend officially opened on the banks of the Deschutes River. It started with five Sisters of St. Joseph whose mission was to care for all or care for none. The current location of the Bend hospital opened in 1975. It became a community, nonprofit organization in the 1970s and maintained an affiliation with the Catholic Church until February 2010. The spirit of compassionate caring first fostered by the Sisters of St. Joseph is alive and well at St. Charles today. This is our story.

Witnessing the extraordinary

“There is tremendous need, and tremendous people working here to help meet those needs.” – Bill Danaher

Safe Place

This video was inspired by a story told by Lou Brown, patient access supervisor in Madras. Lou also plays a starring role!